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    Pinni Born May 31, 2013
Damian Born May 23, 2013
Frankie Born June 7, 2011
Shireen Born June 10, 2006
Vivian Born June 7, 2006
Reagan Born June 5, 2004
Lewis Born June 6, 2003
Cosmo Born May 29, 1999
Scully Born June 19, 1998
Greta Born May 26, 1996

Questions And Answers Of Our Seals.
Match Seal Name To Picture Quiz.

They sit... they talk... they perform self taught behaviors for food... they even applaud
their own antics. They're the Harbor Seals of Seaside Aquarium!
Our family of seals is a spirited bunch. Each has its own personality an
routines they have developed to attract attention. These amusing creatures
perform year 'round, providing hours of joy for visitors of all ages.
Seaside Aquarium boasts one of the best captive breeding records
for Harbor Seals in the world. Many of our seals are 3rd or 4th
generation offspring.

Mother and pup swimming

Stay connected:

  Twitter @FeedTheSeals Facebook @SeasideAquarium
Seaside Aquarium, 200 North Prom, Seaside, Oregon 97138 Tel: (503) 738-6211.