Seaside Aquarium

Wildlife Program

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Wildlife Center:

The Seaside Aquarium has a long history when it comes to helping wildlife. We work closely with the Wildlife Center of the North Coast, a licensed rehab facility for injured indigenous wildlife.

Each year, hundreds of injured birds get dropped off at the Seaside Aquarium. Some with broken wings or beaks, others just tired and malnourished, they are all in need of some extra help. We provide a safe haven for these animals until they can be transferred to the Wildlife Center of the North Coast.

When asked, we assist the Wildlife Center in securing injured animals and provide the Wildlife Center with extra food for their recovering critters.

So, what do you do if you come across injured, sick, or orphaned wildlife on the Northern Oregon Coast?

Call the wildlife hospital at 503-338-0331. If you reach the recording, speak slowly and leave your phone number and reason for calling. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.

If you can safely capture the wildlife, place it in a cardboard box with holes big enough for air flow and a towel on the bottom. Close the lid and put the box in a dark quiet area. Keep the wildlife warm, especially if it is wet.

The Wildlife Center asks that you do not attempt to care for the wildlife yourself. Please do not give it any food or water without first speaking with them.

For more information on the Wildlife Center of the North Coast visit;