Every year thousands of pounds of trash enters the marine environment causing significant damage to our marine community. Most of the trash are plastics, which never completely decompose, instead they break down into microplastics and enter the food chain. As major advocates for the marine environment and its inhabitants, Seaside Aquarium has taken a leading role in helping keep Seaside beach free of trash by sponsoring a monthly beach cleanup, “Treasure the Beach”. On average, these cleanups remove more than 100 pounds of trash each month.
“Treasure the Beach” is a monthly beach clean up that takes place on the first Saturday of every month. We partner with SOLVE, the City of Seaside, and Seaside Downtown Development Association, in our efforts to keep Seaside’s beach clean and healthy. To join us, you can register at solveoregon.org or just show up! Pick up your bags and gloves at the Seaside Aquarium located at 200 N. Prom, Seaside, OR from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Your bags of trash can be placed by any of the trash cans lining the Prom and the City of Seaside will come pick them up.