Seaside Aquarium

Beach Cleanup

How Long Until It's Gone?

Beach Cleanup

Did you know a single plastic straw may take over 500 years to decompose? That sucks!

According to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), once plastic enters the water it never fully biodegrades but breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces, eventually being dubbed a “microplastic”.

How can you help?
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. You can also join us on the first Saturday of each month for our monthly beach cleanup, “Treasure the Beach”. By cleaning the beach, you are helping to remove trash before it enters, or reenters, the ocean. This saves countless lives in the marine environment!

“Treasure the Beach” was started in 2014 by Gini Dideum and the Beach Drive Buccaneers. The Seaside Aquarium was honored to take it over in 2018.
To register for our monthly beach clean up, visit