Seaside Aquarium


Harbor Seal

Phoca vitulina richardii

 Harbor seals can be found on the Oregon Coast year-round.  There are multiple “haul out” sites where viewing harbor seals in the wild is possible, such as Nehalem Bay State Park.  Please remember that all   marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which forbids the killing, harming, or harassing of any marine mammal.

Range: From Southern California to Northern Alaska. 

Diet: Fish, crab, octopus, and squid. 

Average Lifespan: Males – 12 to 15 years; females -15-20, although they can potentially live to 30 years.  As they become older, they often develop cataracts and become easy prey for predators like orcas and sharks.

Pupping Season:

In Oregon, seal pups can be seen on the beach between late March and early August.  Female seals give birth to a single pup, often leaving the pup alone on the beach to rest while she hunts for food.

What is the difference between a Sea Lion and a Seal?

Sea Lion Has:

· Ear flaps
· Has long, hairless fore-flippers.
· Has hind flippers which rotate underneath them, allowing them to walk on land.
· Swims underwater using fore-flippers like the wings of a bird.
· Has long, smooth whiskers or vibrissae.

Harbor Seal Has:

· Has ear holes.
· Has short, hairy fore-flippers & long claws.
· Moves on land by wiggling on its belly.
· Has a locked pelvis which keeps its hind flippers sticking straight out behind them.
· Swims by steering with its fore-flippers and propelling itself with its hind flippers.
· Has whiskers which are crimped or beaded.